Ivoclar-vivadent MultiCore Flow User Manual

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MultiCore Flow is a dual-curing, radiopaque composite containing fluoride
fillers that demonstrates excellent mechanical properties for core build-ups.
It cures chemically without the use of light. Light-curing is optional.
MultiCore Flow is available in a double-barrel cartridge or a double-push
syringe with automixing tips for fabricating core build-ups using matrices.
The monomer matrix consists of dimethacrylate (29 wt %).
The inorganic fillers are barium glass, ytterbiumtrifluoride, Ba-Al-fluorosili-
cate glass and highly dispersed silicon dioxide (70 wt %).
Additional contents are catalysts, stabilizers and pigments (1 wt %).
The total content of inorganic fillers is 46 vol %. The particle size ranges
from 0.04 to 25 µm.
MultiCore Flow is available in four shades:
The dentin shades light (A1/B1), medium (A2/A3) and white-opaque are
particularly suitable for use under all-ceramic restorations, and blue is
recommended for use under metal or metal-based veneered crowns.
Working time
90 to 120 s (at 37°C/98.6°F)
Mixing ratio
The base and catalyst pastes of MultiCore Flow are mixed at a ratio of 1:1.
MultiCore Flow is mixed by pressing the pastes through the static
mixing tip.
Core build-up of vital and non-vital teeth
Adhesive cementation of glass fibre-reinforced endodontic posts
The use of MultiCore Flow is contraindicated
if the operating field cannot be kept sufficiently dry, or if the stipulated
application technique cannot be used;
if the patient is known to be allergic to any of the ingredients in
MultiCore Flow.
Side effects
In individual cases, components of MultiCore Flow may lead to sensiti-
zation. MultiCore Flow should not be used in such cases.
In vital teeth, dentinal areas close to the pulp should be covered with a
suitable liner.
Substances containing eugenol/oil of cloves may inhibit the polymerization
of composite materials.
Consequently, application of such materials together with MultiCore Flow
must be avoided.
Date information prepared
2013-11-07/Rev. 3
Ivoclar Vivadent AG
FL-9494 Schaan
EN Instructions for Use
Two-component core build-up
DE Gebrauchsinformation
FR Mode d’emploi
Matériau de reconstitution de faux-
IT Istruzioni d’uso
Composito bicomponente per la
ricostruzione del moncone
ES Instrucciones de uso
Material de muñones bicomponente
PT Instruções de Uso
Material bi-componente para
confecção de núcleos
SV Bruksanvisning
FI Käyttöohjeet
Kaksikomponenttinen pilarimateriaali
NL Gebruiksaanwijzing
EL Oδηγίες Xρήσεως
Yλικ ανασύστασησ κολοβωµάτων
δύο συστατικών
TR Kullanma Talimatı
‹ki bileflenli kor inflası malzemesi
PL Instrukcja stosowania
Dwuskładnikowy materiał do
wykonywania podbudowy pod
uzupełnienia protetyczne
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - MultiCore

MultiCore® FlowDescription MultiCore Flow is a dual-curing, radiopaque composite containing fluoridefillers that demonstrates excellent mechanical prope

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InteraccionesLos materiales que contengan eugenol o bien esencia de clavo inhiben lapolimerización de los composites. No utilizar tales materiales jun

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–No se recomienda la introducción de MultiCore Flow con un léntulo, puesto que una mezcla del exceso de adhesivo con MultiCore Flowpuede conducir a un

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InteraçõesAs substâncias à base de eugenol/óleo de cravo-da-índia inibem a polime-rização de compósitos. Estes materiais não devem ser utilizados junt

Page 5 - Français

–A introdução de MultiCore Flow com um lentulo não é recomendável,uma vez que a mistura entre o adesivo excedente e o MultiCore Flowpode levar a uma r

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ApplikationApplicera dentinadhesivet på de rena dentinytorna. Ivoclar Vivadent rekom-menderar att man antingen använderAdheSE®, Syntac®eller ExciTE®F

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Pelaruppbyggnad – Applicera MultiCore Flow enligt ovanstående instruktion (se ”Applikation”) och ljushärda.Övrig informationMultiCore Flow skall vara

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AnvendelseRengjorte dentinoverflader påføres et dentinadhæsiv. Ivoclar Vivadent anbe-faler adhæsiverne AdheSE®, Syntac®eller ExciTE®i forbindelse med a

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Advarsel– Undgå kontakt med uafbundet materiale på hud/slimhinder og i øjne.MultiCore Flow kan i uafbundet tilstand virke lokalirriterende og kan isj

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KäyttöAnnostele dentiinisidosaine puhtaille dentiinipinnoille. Ivoclar Vivadent suo-sittelee sidosaineiksi AdheSE®-, Syntac®- tai ExciTE®-ainetta käyt

Page 11 - Português

Varoituksia– Estä kovettumattoman MultiCore Flow-materiaalin joutuminen iho-,limakalvo- tai silmäkontaktiin. Kovettumaton MultiCore Flow saattaaaiheu

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ApplicationApply dentin bonding agent to the clean dentin surfaces. Ivoclar Vivadentrecommends using either AdheSE®, Syntac®or ExciTE®F as the bonding

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BrukRene dentinflater forsynes med en dentinbonding. Ivoclar Vivadent anbefaler å bruke kontaktformidler AdheSE®, Syntac®ellerExciTE®ved bruk av MultiC

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– Vanlige medisinske hansker gir ingen beskyttelse mot den allergifremkallende effekten overfor metakrylater.Lagrings- og oppbevaringsinstruks – Mul

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InteractiesMaterialen die eugenol-/kruidnagelolie bevatten, remmen de uitharding vancomposieten. Van het gebruik van dergelijke materialen in combinat

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–Polymeriseer ten minste 30 s in de buurt van de stift en van occlusaal (ca. 1200 mW/cm2, bijv. Bluephase, HIGH-modus).Stompopbouw– Breng MultiCore Fl

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– Σε ζωντανά δντια, περιοχέσ τησ οδοντίνησ κοντά στον πολφ θαπρέπει να καλύπτονται µε κατάλληλο επίχρισµα.ΑλληλεπιδράσειςΟι ουσίεσ που περιέχουν ευγ

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Συγκολλητική τσιµεντοποίηση ενδορριζικών αξνων, κατασκευασµένωναπ ίνες γυαλιού ενισχυµένες µε σύνθετη ρητίνη και ανασυστάσειςκολοβωµάτων.Προετοιµασί

Page 19

TanımMultiCore Flow, kor yapımında mükemmel mekanik özellikler gösteren, florürlü dolgu maddeleri içeren, dual sertleflen radyoopak bir kompozittir.Iflı

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5. Her uygulama öncesinde kartuflun/enjektörün üzerine yeni bir karıfltırma kanülü takın. Bunun için, karıfltırma kanülü ile kartuflun/ enjektörün üzerind

Page 21 - Nederlands


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2. èÓ‰ÌËÏËÚ ÙËÍÒ‡ÚÓ ͇Úˉʇ Ë ‚ÒÚ‡‚¸Ú ͇ÚË‰Ê V-Ó·‡ÁÌ˚Ï ‚˚ÂÁÓÏ Ì‡ ÓÒÌÓ‚‡ÌËË Í‡Úˉʇ ‚ÌËÁ. éÔÛÒÚËÚ ÙËÍÒ‡ÚÓ ͇Úˉʇ (ËÒ. 2). 3. ëÌËÏËÚ Í

Page 23 - Ελληνικά

Warnings– Unpolymerized MultiCore Flow should not come in contact with skin,mucous membrane, or eyes. Unpolymerized MultiCore Flow may have a slight

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Opis materiałuMultiCore Flow jest materiałem zło˝onym, o podwójnym mechanizmiepolimeryzacji, zawierajàcym fluor i dajàcym kontrast na zdj´ciachrentgen

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– Umocowanie naboju w pistolecie (w przypadku strzykawkisamomieszajàcej nale˝y rozpoczàç od pkt. 3).1. PodnieÊç czarnà dêwigni´ znajdujàcà si´ pod tło

Page 26 - fiekil 2)

Ivoclar Vivadent – worldwideIvoclar Vivadent AGBendererstrasse 29494 SchaanLiechtensteinTel. +423 235 35 35Fax +423 235 33 60www.ivoclarvivadent.comIv

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AnwendungSaubere Dentinflächen werden mit einem Dentinhaftmittel versehen. IvoclarVivadent empfiehlt die Haftvermittler AdheSE®, Syntac®oder ExciTE® F b

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Besondere HinweiseMultiCore Flow sollte zur Verarbeitung Raumtemperatur aufweisen. Kühlschranktemperatur kann das Auspressen erschweren. Warnhinweise–

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InteractionsLes substances à base d'eugénol/essence de girofle inhibent la polymérisa-tion des composites. Il est donc recommandé de ne pas utilis

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Collage– Nettoyer et conditionner le tenon selon le mode d'emploi du fabricant.– Mélanger les 2 pâtes de MultiCore Flow et appliquer ce mélange s

Page 32 - Ivoclar Vivadent – worldwide

InterazioniLe sostanze a base di eugenolo o di olio di garofano possono inibire la poli-merizzazione dei compositi. Evitare l'uso di tali sostanz

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Ricostruzione del moncone– applicare e polimerizzare MultiCore Flow come descritto in precedenza.Note particolariMultiCore Flow deve essere utilizzato

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